Advertising to the developer & tech community: a how-to guide for B2B marketers

Everything you need to start advertising to the developer and technical community.

B2B Tech marketers face a number of challenges in their daily work lives. From crafting compelling messaging, collateral, and campaigns, to driving more leads or trials (and making sure they’re of the highest quality!), to keeping prospects engaged even when it could take , and proving your return on marketing investment, you’re usually one of the busiest people in the room.

But, when you discover your new product or service is a great fit for the developer and technical community, you find yourself faced with a new challenge. How the heck are you supposed to market to an audience that isn’t particularly fond

Not to worry. We’ve included everything you need to start advertising to the developer and technical community in this guide.

In it, we’ll discuss:

Why developers are important in the B2B tech buying process
How to set expectations for your advertising campaigns
Best practices for creating ads and landing pages that resonate
Where and how to reach the developer and technical community